Weapon Components
Components that go into weapons have a special distinction in that they all grant a unique active skill when completed. These skills offer a wide variety of options that can complement any play style. Find the components that work for you!

"This steel is infused with a chilling
winter wind."
(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
3 Cold Damage
+12% Cold Damage
10% Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Granted Skills
Ice Spike (Granted by Item)
Launch a spike of rock solid ice to
impale your enemies.
18 Energy Cost
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
22% Weapon Damage
63-92 Cold Damage
20% Slow target for 2 Seconds
Required Player Level: 7

"Dipped in fresh Chthonian
(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands)
2-8 Chaos Damage
+25% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Granted Skills
Chaos Bolt (Granted by Item) Unlease a bolt of chaotic energies at the target.
42 Energy Cost
3 Projectile(s)
1.2 Meter Radius
12% Weapon Damage
55-118 Chaos Damage
Required Player Level: 20

"The purified bones of a paladin
slain in righteous combat."
(Used in chest and head armor)
18% Vitality Resistance
12% Chaos Resistance
12% Damage to Undead
12% Damage to Chthonics
Required Player Level: 24
Components drop from the various inhabitants of Cairn. Many monsters have a higher chance of dropping specific Components, so your hunt can be focused.
Legends speak of rare Components teeming with ancient power. These Components are much harder to find and craft, but their bonuses are well worth the effort.

"Plating from a once mighty
set of armor."
(Used in chest and leg armor)
Rare Component
+18 Physique
+35 Armor
Increases Armor by 8%
Increases Armor Absorption by 8%
Required Player Level: 15

"A secret symbol used by followers of Solael to
identify themselves to one another."
(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands)
Rare Component
2-12 Chaos Damage
+35% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
+33% Energy Absorbed from Enemy Spells
Granted Skills
Solael's Flame (Granted by Item)
Coat your target with the dark flame of Solael.
60 Energy Cost
8 Second Duration
4 Meter Radius
84-155 Chaos Damage
-10% Vitality Resistance
-10% Chaos Resistance
Required Player Level: 35

"Dirt from the base of the
standing stones of Menhir."
(Used in chest armor)
Rare Component
+25 Defensive Ability
+2% Defensive Ability
+30 Health Regenerated per second
12% Elemental Resistance
Required Player Level: 32
Attaching Components
To apply a Component to an item, right-click it and then then left-click on an item you wish to attach it to. You will see a confirmation dialogue to confirm your decision.
Removing Components
There may come a time when you wish to change the Component you have attached to an item, or perhaps you wish to reuse a Component for a new item you have found. This is a service provided by the Inventor.
Note that you can either recover the item or the Component, not both.
To learn more about the Inventor, visit the Service NPCs page.